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Kameraverleih Licht und Ton KLT GmbH
ZDF-Straße 1
85774 Unterföhring

Tel. +
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HRB München 209252
Ust-IdNr. DE 293190213
Zusammengestellt am: 18.03.2025
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Master Prime 25mm/T1.3


Master Prime   Aperture Close Focus1 Length2 Front diameter Weight AOV3
MP 25 mm/T1.3 T1.3 to T22 0.35 m / 14″ 153 mm / 6.02″ 114 mm / 4.5″ 2.3 kg / 5.1 lbs 53.72


The Master Prime lenses open up new creative opportunities, making shots possible that would have been considered impossible before. A widest stop of T1.3 allows shooting in low or available light for more natural-looking shots and a reduction of the lighting budget. In addition, a wide open stop creates the cinematic look of an extremely shallow depth of field.
